Institute of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

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JUNE 2017. Doctoratal student Yumara Beatriz Martón Cruz, was awardered extraordinary prize of graduation in Chemical Engineering

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JUNE 2017. Doctoratal student Yumara Beatriz Martón Cruz, was awardered extraordinary prize of graduation in Chemical Engineering

On June 6, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) presented the "Degree qualifications and knowledge branch Awards of the 2015-2016 course". The event took place in the Auditorium of the University and was attended by the Rector Rafael Robaina and the Vice-Chancellor of Students and Sports, Antonio S. Ramos Gordillo. In addition, the presence of the deans and directors of the ULPGC centers.

The extraordinary prize of graduation on Chemical Engineering was awarded to Yumara Beatriz Martin Cruz, a doctoral student at Analytical Control of Environmental Sources division (CAFMA) of the i-UNAT. The prize is awarded for each of the ULPGC's degrees, to the student with the best academic record based on their average grade and years finishing their studies, with an average mark greater than 8.


For more information:

Link to the news. ULPGC web (in spanish)
Photos on the ULPGC's Flickr profile